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Márton Lóránt

Year and place of birth: 1976, Miercurea Ciuc

1994 – Áprily Lajos High School, Braşov
1998 – University of Theatre, Târgu Mureş

Languages: Hungarian, Romanian, English

Contact: martonlorant@yahoo.com

Roles at the university:
Kocsárd, undertaker – Lajos Barta: Szerelem (Love)
Valério –  Georg Büchner: Leonce and Lena
Signore Spagetti – Kálmán Imre: The Violet of Montmartre
Hetfű Benke, young doughty – Áron Tamási: Szüntelen király (The Incessant King)
From the Songs of Jack Cole – lyric koncert from the poems of András Ferenc Kovács

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