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Szakács László

Year and place of birth: 1961, Târgu-Mureş

Alexandru Papiu Ilarian High School, Târgu-Mureş
Institute of Higher Education, Târgu-Mureş

Languages: Hungarian, Romanian, English

Professional experience:
1984 – 1990    Figura Company, Gheorgheni
1990 – 1994    Figura Studio Theatre, Gheorgheni
1994 – 2001    Tamási Áron Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe
2001 – 2003    Petőfi Sándor Theatre, Veszprém (Hungary)
2003 – 2009    Hevesi Sándor Theatre, Zalaegerszeg (Hungary)
from 2009 he became again actor at the Tamási Áron Theatre

Roles at the Figura Stúdió Theatre:
1991/92 Hunter – Grimm brothers: Little Red Riding Hood (d. László Bocsárdi)
1992/93 based on Samuel Beckett’s Endgame: Skull Tower (d. László Lantos)
1992/93 Me – S. Mrozek: The House on the Border  (d. László Bocsárdi)
1992/93 Death – Castellani: The Prodigal Son (d. László Bocsárdi)
1993/94 Thyrsis – Balassi Bálint: Fair Hungarian Comedy (d. Olga Barabás)

Roles at the Petőfi Sándor Theatre from Veszprém:
2001/02 Katz, Magasgalléros – Hašek–Burian: Švejk
2001/02 Creon – Sophocles: Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus
2002/03 Horatio – Kiss Csaba: Hazatérés Dániába
2002/03 Mayor Anton Antonovich – Gogol: The Government Inspector
2002/03 Orazio, a társulat igazgatója, szerepe szerint Ottavio – Goldoni: The Comical Theatre
2002/03 Faust – Gounod – J. Barbier – M. Carré: Faust

Roles at the Hevesi Sándor Theatre from Zalaegerszeg:
2003/04 Teacher – Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Visit (d. Géza Bereményi)
2003/04 Rendőrtanácsos – Molnár Ferenc: Üvegcipő (d. Géza Bereményi)
2003/04 Sganarelle – Moliére: Don Juan (d. Bertalan Bagó)
2003/04 Mephisto – Goethe: Faust  (d. Péter Tömöry)
2004/05 First Demagogue,  Emperor Rudolf, Robespierre, Salesman – Madách Imre: The Tragedy of Man (d. József Ruszt)
2004/05 Sirelli – Pirandello: So It Is (If You Think So) – (d. Dóra Sári)
2005/06 Bocca Libero – Aldo Nikolaj: Hárman a padon (d. András Tucsni)
2005/06 Monsen  – Henrik Ibsen: The League of Youth (d. László Barbaczy)
2005/06 Ferenc Pacsik, mayor – Tasnádi István: A magyar zombi (d. Bertalan Bagó)
2006/07 Leprás Mátyás – Kurt Weill–Bertold Brecht: The Threepenny Opera (d. Bertalan Bagó)
2006/07 Herda Pityu – Háy János: A Gézagyerek (d. Bertalan Bagó)
2006/07 Jovo Sztaniszavljevics Galócza – Ivan Kusan: Galócza (d. Sándor László)
2007/08 Lord Hastings – W. Shakespeare: III. Richárd (d. Bertalan Bagó)
2007/08 Dárdás – Vajda Anikó-Vajda Katalin: Villa Negra (d. György Cserhalmi)
2007/08 Winner – Tasnádi István: Tranzit (d. Bertalan Bagó)
2008/09 Ghost of Hamlet`s Father, First Actor, Grave-digger – W. Shakespeare: Hamlet (d. Bertalan Bagó)
2008/09 (Waldheim Rudolf) – Forgách András: Holdvilág és utasa (d. Bertalan Bagó)

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