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Szatmárnémeti Északi Színház Harag György Társulat
William Shakespeare
Richard III.
Vecsei H. Miklós átirata nyomán
Photogallery: III. Richárd
III. Richárd:Nagy Csongor Zsolt
Erzsébet:Rappert-Vencz Stella
György:Diószegi Attila
Edward:Diószegi Attila
Margit:Moldován Blanka
Anna:Budizsa Evelyn
Buchingam:Nagy Orbán
Catesby:Gaál Gyula
Hastings:Frumen Gergő
Rivers:Erdei Máté
Stanley:Poszet Nándor
York Herceg:xxx
Erzsébet fiatalabb fia:Szabó János Szilárd
Erzsébet lánya:Sosovicza Anna
Brakenbury:Péter Attila Zsolt
Pap:Varga Sándor
Polgár:Keresztes Ágnes Bogár Barbara Bándi Johanna
l. gyilkos:Bodea Gál Tibor
ll. gyilkos:Orbán Zsolt

Zenél a Harag György Társulat színészzenekara:
Nagy Csongor Zsolt (ének, basszusgitár), Budizsa Evelyn (ének, hegedű), Erdei Máté (basszusgitár), Péter Attila Zsolt (szólógitár), Orbán Zsolt (dobok), Moldován Blanka (ének, billentyűk), Rappert-Vencz Stella (ének, billentyűk) Szabó János Szilárd (szaxofon, dobok), Bodea Gál Tibor (trombita).
Director: Albu István guest
Set design: Márton Erika guest
Costume designer: Márton Erika guest
Dramaturg: Bessenyei Gedő István
Átirat: Vecsei H. Miklós
Musical coordinator: Bakk-Dávid László
Coreography: Szabó Franciska
Dramaturg: Balogh Ádám
Fény: Kecskés Lénárd Fleisz Patrik
Sound: Botos Gergő
Prompter: Varga Katalin
Stage manager: Szabó Ritta
Assistant: Balogh Ádám
First performance:20/12/2024
Duration of the performance cca. 180 minute(s) (1 intermission).
About the performance

Under the York government, England seems to be returning to the happy days of peace. The War of the Roses is now a memory, embellished by the passage of time. But the unexpected death of King Edward IV breaks the apparent idyll: his brother, Richard, is about to succeed him on the throne of England. His political astuteness keeps him in the grip of allies and rivals alike. He will not shy away from fratricide, or even from spilling the blood of innocent children if they threaten his power. We witness the rise and fall of an unrivalled tyrant, whose distorted figure overshadowed an entire century of English history. This everlasting imprint of Shakespeare's creative genius is not only worn with time, but unfortunately, from time to time, what the immortal giant of universal drama and theatre history teaches us about the workings of power and tyranny, the eternal dialectic of human cruelty and vulnerability, and ultimately about man himself, becomes ever more relevant...
”Richard III” is the latest part of a directorial programme that has been ongoing for several years. Albu István's concept of incorporating live music into the dramatic plot offers audiences a unique performance experience, a real concert show. This time, world-famous American rock hits from the 1970s will take to the stage and the band's frontman will become the singing alter ego of the bloodthirsty Richard III.


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