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Szatmárnémeti Északi Színház Harag György Társulat
Örkény István
The Tot Family
Photogallery: Tóték
Őrnagy:Nagy Csongor Zsolt inv.
Tót:Rappert-Vencz Gábor
Tótné:Moldován Blanka
Ágika:Bogár Barbara
A postás:Orbán Zsolt
Tomaji, plébános:Gaál Gyula
Cipriani, professzor:Bodea Gál Tibor
Gizi Gézáné, egy rossz hírű nő:Kovács Nikolett
A lajt tulajdonos:Frumen Gergő
Lőrinczke, szomszéd :Nagy Orbán
Elegáns őrnagy:Varga Sándor
Szereplő:Gál Ágnes Marosszéki Tamás Poszet Nándor László Zita Zákány Mihály †
Director: Sorin Militaru
Set design: Márton Erika inv.
Costume designer: Márton Erika inv.
Dramaturg: Bessenyei Gedő István
Musical coordinator: Moldován Blanka
Coreography: Bordás Attila
Prompter: Szabó Ritta
Stage manager: Szabó Ritta
Assistent: Tamás Ágnes
First performance:05/03/2016
Duration of the performance cca. 180 minute(s) (1 breaks).
About the performance

Tot family receives in their home the superior of their son soldier on the Eastern Front of the Second World War. Damaged nervous system of the Major tests not only major himself but also family. Major appears in their lives as power in person. Major, master of life and death, installs as a pagan god, the existence of family and disrupts the entire community life: it depends on him the survival of their son. They fear and pay him homage him, even despite the ordeals, trying to love him because is their only hope. The family satisfy his most absurd desires, idolizes and serves him, their life is an absurd continuous pray for the beloved child. But until why this can last this seemingly endless memorial? How many times can a man be humiliated? Appealing to Örkény's comparison taken from Camus we could ask:  whenever dare Sisyphus, respecting Gods' sentence, to roll the rock to the top of the mountain? Does he rebels, and if so, wouldn't it be too late?

Where actually began Sisyphean ordeal the family Tót? Does it have an end? Does god of power is always present everywhere? The apparent idyll, the image of quiet home was it really? And if these are merely colorful wall papers, some appearances in the shadow of a new incarnations of power?


The performance is made with consent of Proscenium Szerzői Ügynökség, Budapest.

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