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Szatmárnémeti Északi Színház Harag György Társulat
Móricz Zsigmond - Kocsák Tibor - Miklós Tibor
Be Faithful Unto Death
Photogallery: Légy jó mindhalálig
Director: Nagy Regina
Set design: Fornvald Gréti
Costume designer: Bandura Emese
Musical coordinator: Manfrédi Annamária
Coreography: Gabriela Tănase Szabó Franciska
Pedagogical consultant: Balázs Regina
Prompter: Fábry Zoltán Simionaș Varga Anna
Stage manager: Fábry Zoltán
Assistent: Balogh Ádám
First performance:30/09/2022
Duration of the performance cca. 187 minute(s) (1 breaks).
About the performance

The staging of Be Faithful Unto Death in a theatre always means something unknown, a new challenge, an emotional rehearsal process, a sense of wonder, an eternal experience. It's a real celebration, because in addition to filling the stage with children, the work itself is the cornerstone of Hungarian literature. In Móricz Zsigmond's work, the eternal human purity, the instinctive good, is shaped in the person of a child, contrasting him with the world of the blind "powerful".
Nyilas Misi's desire to conform as a college student is still present in the life of a schoolchild, albeit with a changed appearance, because as a contemporary social mirror, school and peers are a constant test of a child's faith.
Directed by Regina Nagy, the performance is for children, but it is also for adults. An alarm bell, if you like: don't look down your nose at the future, because as an adult you have the power to make the right choices now. 

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