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Szatmárnémeti Északi Színház Harag György Társulat
Carlo Goldoni
Il Campiello
Translation: Nádasdy Ádám
Photogallery: Terecske
Cate:Moldován Blanka
Lucietta, Cate’s daughter:Bogár Barbara
Pasqua:Kovács Nikolett
Gnese, Pasqua’s daughter:Keresztes Ágnes
Orsola, pie maker:László Zita
Zorzetto, Orsola’s son:Orbán Zsolt
Anzoletto, vendor:Péter Attila Zsolt
Outsider:Nagy Csongor Zsolt
Fabrizio:Rappert-Vencz Gábor
Gasparina, Fabrizio’s adoptive daughter:Budizsa Evelyn
Sansi, owner:Poszet Nándor
Director: Visky Andrej guest
Set design: Fornvald Gréti
Costume designer: Nagy Eszter e.h.
Dramaturg: Deák Katalin guest
Translator: Nádasdy Ádám
Coreography: Bordás Attila
Composer: Trabalka Cecília guest
Assistant: Végh Balázs
Prompter: Varga Katalin
Stage manager: Varga Katalin
First performance:07/04/2017
About the performance

A piazza filled with desires, dreams, cravings where – just like everyone –you dream of another life, too. Every morning you can wake up just because you hope that your dreams will turn into reality. Now you still support this stifling, this reference and the fact that everyone speaks you. Today you still play for survival, because you are convinced that tomorrow will be better. But what happens when an outsider arrives. Does love will find right you? Maybe you will have the opportunity to finally leave this place?


Az előadás a budapesti Hartai Zenei Ügynökség engedélyével jött létre.

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