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On 2 November, the studio performance Chaos, directed by Csábi Anna , was shown for the first time on the Satu Mare stage. The joint production of the Satu Mare Northern Theatre's Harag György Company and the Kőszeg Castle Theatre opened in Kőszeg at the end of last season, but this year the Satu Mare audience can see the chaotic comedy by Finnish author Mika Myllyaho in a season break and in a selected season ticketed performance.
The National Theatre Meeting, previously organized in Pécs, will be held again in Debrecen as part of the 10th Theatre Olympics.
The production was created in collaboration with the Csokonai National Theatre in Debrecen, and will soon visit Romanian schools with the actors of the Mihai Raicu Company.
The Harag György Company was on tour: on 24 January in Timișoara, Rasputin was a guest at MAFESZT, and on 26 and 27 January the Debrecen audience could see the fictional historical drama staged by Sardar Tagirovsky.
The next production of the Harag György Company, the musical Fiddler on the Roof, will be on its tour with two sold out performances. The extremely popular play was directed by Márkó Eszter, a former actress of the company, who returns regularly to Satu Mare - most recently she directed the production of Perfumery. The new premiere will take place on Friday, 20 January at 19:00 at the Northern Theatre.
The company played in front of a full house, the performance had a success similar to a “rock concert”.
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